Javascript is Rather Nice

18 Jan 2017

Baby Steps

Writing JavaScript has been for the most part fairly simply and straight forward in coding. Prior to this class I have had some JavaScripting experience already, so performing the JavaScript exercises was a good refresher as to how I should be coding. During the exercises I did learn to do a few things that I did not know how prior such as learning about the Strict Equality Operator and shift/unshift functions.

3 === 3   // true
3 === '3' // false
// Example
var ourArray = ["Stimpson", "J", "cat"];
ourArray.shift(); // ourArray now equals ["J", "cat"]
// ourArray now equals ["Happy", "J", "cat"]

// Setup
var myArray = [["John", 23], ["dog", 3]];
// myArray now equals [["dog", 3]]
// Only change code below this line.

myArray.unshift(["Paul", 35]);
// myArray is now [["Paul", 35],["dog", 3]]

My Thoughts

So far with my experience with JavaScript I think it is a good programming language because it is easy to learn and use. There are also efficient ways to write your code as I have learned from the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

My software programming course that I’m currently taking as of this writing is also providing “Workout Of the Day” (WODs) that help with learning the basics as well as working under time constraints. If I find myself taking too long on a piece of code then I definitely should be looking for help on understanding it. There are videos showing the solution which is very helpful because even if I did successfully write the code in a reasonable amount of time, it may not be the same way the video coded the solution. This gives me a different perspective of the problem and helps me to be a better programmer. Although still too early to tell, the WODs are not very stressful yet, but I can imagine them being much more difficult in the future.