90 'n' Up Anima Podcast

Why Anima?

There are lots of different table top role playing games (TTRPGs) available. Some widely known paper and pen TTRPGs for example are Dungeons and Dragons (DnD), Pathfinder, and Shadowrun. Each game provides their own set of rules and character creation for players to follow. Some may even have their own defined world with its own lore for players to use rather than making up their own adventure or just having a typical dungeon crawler in some dark cave or tower. Anima: Beyond Fantasy is one of those TTRPGs that has its own world with its own stories and legends that players can choose to explore, create, or even destroy if they wish. Also not common among most TTRPGs, Anima’s dice system uses d100 rolls with occasional d10 rolls. With a larger numerical value, player characters can arguably be more diverse early on. This on top of 20 base character classes, over 50(?) advantages and disadvantages, 9 other races, and more give way to a very flexible character creation that allows you to make almost anything you want. That’s not even going into how your character will fight.

Why do a Podcast?

One of my friends likes to follow news on board games and TTRPGs. He also watches a lot of videos about other peoples game sessions to improve his own ability as a game master (GM) or simply because the group is funny to listen to. After thinking about it he tried looking around to see if there were any podcasts or videos about Anima, and he just couldn’t find any. This prompted him to get us together to try do a podcast to talk about the game and hopefully explain it in a way that people who were familiar with other TTRPGs could have an easier time learning Anima’s system.

So Far

As a group we have done a few recordings so far. Due to an incident that happened after one of the podcasts we have currently put the project on hold. As of now we have explained mainly character creation and combat, but have yet to delve into types of combat such as Ki, Magic, and Psychic powers. Besides that there are many more things that we could talk about from the books, but again we won’t have any new podcasts until he decides to start it up again. In the mean time feel free to check out the link below to our website. I hope you the reader will get interested in Anima and enjoy it with your group of friends too.

90 ‘n’ Up Podcast